What?!? You mean I have to exercise as well.

8 Sep

I’m not daft, I know that if this lifestyle change and this weight loss is going to succeed I need to do some exercise. I think I’ve been mentally blocking this fact out, mainly because apart from playing some sports I see exercise as a painful chore. Although I have a busy life, I don’t have a particularly active one- I have a fairly sedentary job- I commute 45 minutes one way in a car, sit at a computer, stand in front of a class of students, drive to schools, sit at the back of a classroom- so much not exercise apart from the 500 yards walk from the car to my office. I therefore need to choose an exercise regimen that I will want to continue- cant see that happening, but you never know. We have a trampoline in our back garden which I would really like to bounce on- but I’m too heavy for it so that option is out until I’ve lost the 101lbs. Another exercise I like (don’t find annoying) is a rowing machine but unless I win the lottery (not much chance as I don’t gamble) I’m not joining a gym anytime soon, and a rowing machine built for my weight isn’t cheap. Swimming- apart from being incredibly slow I’m not comfortable going to the pool at my current weight. So all that is left, I think, is running- I dislike this- I don’t have bad stamina but do not like the exercise (I blame school cross country). But tonight I went for a run with my eldest daughter- the plan was two miles but I settled on just over one- she was much faster than me- but it’s a start! How often I’ll run I don’t know, but I do need to do something- my brother in law swears by just press ups and sit ups- maybe I’ll give that a try- not in public which is an added bonus.  So day six ended on a very shattered note.

Food however was fine, work had a buffet lunch again- so salad wraps worked for lunch. My wife makes her own Italian tomato sauce out of tomatoes, garlic, celery, herbs, and other vegetable I know not what- we had this with Swedish meatballs and pasta- the meatballs are from Costco and not particularly diet- but as we don’t count the calories or fat in our meat- though do watch our portion size we feel it’s fine. It’s also a meal we’ve had regularly and the children love, so that we are not instilling a whole diet change on our skinny children.

3 Responses to “What?!? You mean I have to exercise as well.”

  1. John September 8, 2012 at 11:41 am #

    Just a suggestion… Part of our logic for getting a dog was to motivate us to walk more! With a little pair of eyes looking at you morning and night you are forced to go out even in thd rain !

  2. jamesdholt September 8, 2012 at 1:30 pm #

    If I can’t afford a gym membership- what chance the vets bills on a dog?:) You will not wear me down:) Though the kids think your suggestion is great.


  1. Couch to 5k « 101 pounds to lose - September 11, 2012

    […] my moan the other day about exercise, three of my friends suggested Couch to 5k- I had heard of this before but was […]

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